Let us tell you more about our web designer and graphic artist, Tess.

In our journal, ‘Pause and Ponder. Reflecting on your work with children’ we have created a whole section on ‘Building Community Connections’. Respectfully we ‘walk our talk’ and in the spirit of buying local, we believe that our local community can provide us with the services we need, therefore it is always our first point of call. And we got lucky right in our own local town! We found Tess Baldwin, owner and designer of ‘Tess Creative Co’.

From the first day we met Tess she simply just ‘got’ us. She had never worked with children services previously but she was eager to find out about our work with and for children. So, she eagerly asked questions and made notes and after just one conversation, albeit a long one, created a mood/concept board for our logo and website. After further consultation with us that was collaborative, constructive and always a joy, she created a brand and a website which we are proud of and that truly reflects the work we do as the ‘Early Years Education Specialists’.

Tess jumped at the chance to use her outstanding graphic design skills in undertaking the design work for our journal which was stepping outside her box (as it was for us in creating it) as she had never worked on a published manuscript previously. Without Tess we would not have been able to achieve the ‘look’ we wanted.

We are grateful for her talent and skills, her positive and ‘can do’ attitude, and her unwavering support through this whole process. As she says herself on her website “I’m super passionate about working with those that have a zest for life and a desire to do things bigger than themselves. Because, well, same.”

As you can see, we highly recommend Tess and you can connect with her by clicking https://tesscreativeco.com.au/







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